We focus on improving utility efficiencies by successful implementation and maintenance of Energy and Water Usage Management System.
Our team has 10 years of experience in all aspects of energy efficiency projects covering various optimisation techniques.
We help organisations minimize their utilities consumption, reduce operational costs, lower carbon emissions and heighten environmental awareness.
Energy and Water Usage Monitoring and Management System allow facility managers to have visibility into consumption data, creating opportunities to lower usage & costs.
Our Energy Accounting Software provides cost analysis, waste-avoidance analysis and benchmarking information. The System is designed to monitor electricity, gas, wastewater and water consumption. This information coupled with precise invoices verification, tariff checking and our expert advice on clear written report delivers valuable service to our clients. Offered Monitoring and Management System can be based on advanced Automatic Meter Reading System (AMR) or traditional Manual Meter Reading (MMR). AMR, with it’s advanced technology guaranties an accurate meter reading by remote data collection. MMR could be just as effective however it requires manual data entry.
Automatic meter reading is the technology of automatically collecting usage data from utility meters and transferring that data to a central database allowing the user to track the consumption of electricity, gas and water over the Internet. All data is stored in a central location - Monitoring and Management System - an online analysis tool providing easy ways to create: profile data graphs, consumption comaprison sheets, reports, forecasts, leak detection alarms and indication of high-consumption area.
Additional AMR SYSTEM benefits:
Our deep understanding of energy management issues, deep sector knowledge and unique experince of our team enables us to deliver cost-effective strategies for public and private sector clients.
pl. Solny 16 50-062 Wrocław POLAND
tel.: +48 71 39 16 500fax.: +48 71 39 16 501